Welcome to the Bethany PTA



5th Grade Fundraisers 3/13

3/1/2025 7:07 pm

5th Grade Self Portrait Art Fundraiser

Purchase Art


5th Grade Snack Pack Fundraiser

1 Gatorade

1 Bag of Chips (Spicy or Not Spicy)

1 Full-Size Candy Bar

2 Fruit Roll-Ups

Purchase Snack Pack


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Bethany Be Mine Dance

2/20/2025 7:00 pm

Bethany Be Mine Dance - Parent/Child Soiree

Friday, February 7th from 6:00pm - 7:30pm 

Semi-Formal Valentine themed DJ hosted dance party with Bethany students and parents.

Yummy Finger foods will be served again. We will have an Art area for kids, and opening up the Cafeteria and Hallway for extra space this year. Professional photographer will be present again to take photos of everyone looking their best!!

Professional Photos are READY!

Through Emmie's Lenz Photos

Password: BETHANY 

*Don't see a photo you remember taking at the Be Mine Dance? This could be because a student in that photo is on the PISD no public photos list. Contact waysvp@bethanypta.org with any questions.

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Spotlight: Celebrating Ms. Emmie!

2/20/2025 7:00 pm

If you’ve ever walked or driven through our Bethany crosswalks, you’ve met the wonderful

Ms. Emmie!

With her warm smile, friendly waves, and dedication to keeping our students and families safe, she is an essential part of our community. Rain or shine, Ms. Emmie is there, ensuring every child crosses safely and starts their day with a little extra kindness.

Thank You Ms. Emmie!!

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January Appreciation Breakfast for Teachers and Staff

1/20/2025 5:58 pm

Bethany Elementary PTA is hosting its monthly appreciation breakfast for our Teachers & Staff!

The PTA will provide warm breakfast options. We need your help to complete the meal.

Please sign up for any of the items listed below and turn them in to the Front Office between Thursday, January 23rd and Monday, January 27th .

Thank you for participating.


January 28 Breakfast Sign Up

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After School Programs

Register for the final session of the 2024-25 After School Programs!

Sessions start after Spring Break and go into May.

We’re thrilled to offer a range of innovative and engaging activities designed to enrich your child's experience.

Chess, Dance, Piano, Coding, Art, and More!

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Bethany Year Book

It's that time of year again—time to capture all the memories of the 2024-2025 school year with a Bethany Yearbook!

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All parents who want to volunteer or attend classroom parties, special daytime school events (like the Book Fair, Immigration Day, and Colonial Day) must submit a new background check for this school year. The volunteer application/background check can be completed at plano.voly.org.

If you would like to volunteer with us, please fill out our Volunteer Interest Form

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Join Bethany PTA

$20 per Family

$11 per Individual

$15 per Community Member

Upcoming PTA Events



The Bethany PTA President at president@bethanypta.org


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