
We’re dedicated to showing our support and appreciation for our incredible teachers and staff at Bethany Elementary. 


Snack CarT

The Snack Cart will make its rounds through the school once a month, filled with tasty treats!
To make this initiative a success, we’re inviting donations of individually wrapped snacks such as chips, cookies, popcorn, pretzels, candy, or drinks. If you’d like to contribute, please drop off your donations at the front office, labeled “Snack Cart.”


We'd love for parents to be part of the snack cart by volunteering to pass out the 'goodies' to our Teachers and Staff.

You only need to volunteer once, and the time commitment is one hour (11:15am-12:15pm). You and another parent will bring along the cart full of 'goodies' to each grade level.

**Please note, your VOLY Background check must be completed in order to be able to volunteer.**

Snack Cart Volunteer Sign Up


Appreciation Breakfasts/Lunches

Bethany Elementary PTA hosts appreciation breakfasts/lunches for our Teachers & Staff. The PTA will provide warm meal options. We need your help to complete the meal.  Please contact to contribute.



Wrap Party 12/17

To help our wonderful Teacher & Staff celebrate "Twelve Days of Winter", Hospitality would like to invite you to a Wrap Party.  Come and hang out with other parents. The PTA will provide snacks and refreshments for the volunteers.



Our 2024 wrapping party was a huge success! We loved being able to take one more task off our teachers' to-do lists. A big thank you to the volunteers who came out and took the time to wrap gifts! 



Pie Day 11/22

Giving Thanks to the Teachers and staff!


There’s nothing better than treating the amazing staff at Bethany Elementary to a pie before they head off on Thanksgiving break! A huge thank you to the incredible Bethany community for coming together and donating all these pies. We couldn’t have done it without you! Happy Thanksgiving!


Thank you for helping us bring a little extra cheer to our wonderful staff!


Upcoming Events:


Join Bethany PTA

$20 per Family

$11 per Individual

$15 per Community Member

Upcoming PTA Events



The Bethany PTA President at