Plano ISD Links

Plano ISD 2024-2025 Calendar

Plano ISD Family Access Portal (Skyward)

The Family Access portal will allow parents/guardians to monitor and participate in your child’s education, including the ability to:

  • Complete Annual Registration
  • Review grades
  • Check schedules  
  • View upcoming assignments 
  • Keep track of attendance
  • Manage fees and payments
  • Access other important information 



Background checks are only good through the end of the school year in which they are submitted, so even if a parent completed one in May, they need to re-do one for this year.  The background must be completed and come back clear (usually takes ~2-3 days) before a parent can volunteer or attend a special class day/party.

Fill out the Volunteer Interest Form to let the PTA know what volunteer opportunities you are interested in.


PASAR After School Care

PASAR is Plano ISD's after-school care program for students in grades Pre-K through grade 5.



View your child's cafeteria account balance.

Make payments and receive low balance reminders.

See what's on the cafeteria menu and view nutritional and allergen information.


PACE / Gifted Education

PACE stands for Plano Academic and Creative Education and is the cornerstone of the district's gifted and talented education program serving students in kindergarten through 12th grade. PACE is more than a course; it is a motivating and challenging experience that lasts over multiple years of a student's education. The PACE program provides a learning environment that nurtures the unique academic and social-emotional needs of students requiring gifted and talented services.


Bethany Elementary Links

Join the Bethany PTA

Join the Bethany PTA to stay informed and help support our students and teachers with educational programs and fun family events.


PTA Sponsored After School Programs

The Bethany PTA sponsors many after school programs that students can register for.


PTA Calendar of Events

View fun PTA sponsored events coming up and see important PISD events.


Let us know which event you would like to volunteer for!

Volunteer Interest Form


 Bethany Arrival & Dismissal


Bethany Elementary Website

Grade Level Pages



Teacher Pages Directory

Resources Directory


FACEBOOK: Bethany Elementary

Bethany Elementary PTA



Join Bethany PTA

$20 per Family

$11 per Individual

$15 per Community Member



The Bethany PTA President at


Image number 1 in a rotating selection of images.