Special PTA General Membership Meeting
4/26/2021 1:43 pm
Hello Bethany Families!
We have two budget items that need to be approved before the next scheduled GMM on May 20th.
According to our By-Laws:
These are the two items we will be voting on.
Item 1 - 5th Grade EOY celebrations POW - Since the Picasso Art fundraising was never a line item on a POW for 2020-21, a budget for it was never approved, so we need to approve this POW in order for the parents to do a write a check campaign to fund raise for their EOY celebrations. Note: The 540 is inclusive of the $400 that has already been approved for the class parties. See this link:
Item 2 - Amended Hospitality POW - Teacher Appreciate Breakfast - For Teacher Appreciation week, we will be providing a Breakfast Taco bar on Monday, a staff luncheon on Wednesday, and a snack / soda volunteer sign up like we did in the winter. To accommodate the expenses of the Breakfast Taco bar, we need an extra $300 added to the budget. We have done so little for the staff this year, I'd love if we're able to approve this. See this link:
Our meeting will be a very quick, 10 min or less - only voting on these two items. This Thursday, April 29th at 6pm. Zoom meeting information below.