Welcome Back!

8/2/2023 3:52 pm

Hello Bethany Families! It’s the start of the new school year and we are very excited to see everyone back on campus. Our theme for Bethany 2023-24 is “Have Fun With New Ideas.” Please order your new Spirit Wear on our PTA website. Youth Sizes available in Blue and Adult Sizes available in Irish Green.


We have some new members on our PTA Executive Board this year; the roster and contact information for each officer can be found on our Bethany PTA website. We have two positions (Communications and Programs) still open on our Executive Board and would love to have any parent who wants to volunteer and join the Board. Please contact me directly if you are interested in joining our Board at president@bethanypta.org.


If you have not renewed your membership for the 2023-24 school year, please visit us at Bethanypta.org to renew and stay up to date on all the news and announcements.  Did you know your child can also be a Bethany PTA member? We would love to have them as members and please encourage other Bethany friends to join us on our website. We also welcome supporters from the community and they can sign up to support Bethany at Joinpta.org.


Please also be on the lookout for different PTA activities this school year and our first General Membership Meeting to be scheduled for September. We welcome all parents to attend the PTA General Membership meeting.


We also want to extend a warm welcome back to the entire Bethany faculty and staff. We are grateful for their commitment to our Bethany community.


The PTA Board is here to support the Bethany kids, our school, and the families and we look forward to collaborating with you all to make this school year the best one. Thank you for being part of the Bethany PTA community. Wishing all the kids the very best as they begin this new school year.


Stay well,  

Anu Shekar, President – Bethany PTA


Join Bethany PTA

$20 per Family

$11 per Individual

$15 per Community Member



The Bethany PTA President at president@bethanypta.org